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The importance of finding and sticking to a programme that is consistent with your fitness goals is paramount to your progress. Even if it’s not one of mine, I would strongly encourage everybody to find a training programme that’s right for them and see it through. Training should have direction and be geared towards whatever goal you set yourself. Working hard isn’t enough – working smart is also necessary.

Whether your goal is bulking, cutting or more general fat loss, I can provide you with a personalised programme to ensure the time you spend in the gym is time spent productively.


This training programme will consist of 16 weeks worth of training for you to follow.

5 Week Muscle Building Training Programme

  • Upon purchasing a programme, you will receive a client details form via e-mail within 24 hours (check junk folder if you don’t see this in your inbox). This will be sent to the email address linked to your PayPal account. Complete the form to the best of your knowledge to enable me to tailor your plan as accurately as possible, then return it to me. You will then receive your plan within 1-4 calendar days.

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